Forza Horizon 5 PC – SaveGame location

This article provides information on the various save game locations for Forza Horizon 5. It is important to note that the save game location may vary depending on your PC or game type. To find your specific save game location, check the list below or follow the quick method by opening the steam_emu.ini file in your game folder and checking the “Game data is stored at” text.

Save game locations include Steam folder, Microsoft folder, Steam Play Linux folder, Empress folder (for pirated/cracked versions), Codex folder (for pirated/cracked versions), and other locations such as the configuration file location. Before going to any save game location, be sure to check hidden files and folders, especially if you have Windows 10. Overall, with the correct save game location, you can easily put a 100% save game or any other save game file on Forza Horizon 5, or make a backup copy of your current save game.

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