कानून क्यों जरूरी है / Kanoon Kyu Jaruri Hai?


Laws are an essential part of any society, as they establish rules that govern behavior and provide a framework for resolving disputes. Without laws, there would be chaos and anarchy, with people free to do as they pleased, regardless of the consequences. Hence, it is vital to understand why laws are necessary for a functioning society.

Establishing Order

The primary purpose of laws is to establish order within society. Laws provide a structure for people to follow, outlining what is acceptable and what is not. They provide a set of rules that people can rely on to navigate their lives without fear of undue harm or danger. For instance, traffic laws specify maximum speed limits, and drivers who violate those rules are subject to fines or other penalties. By adhering to such laws, people can protect themselves and others from harm.

Laws also create a sense of predictability and certainty. By providing a clear set of rules for what is allowed and what isn’t, people can anticipate what will happen in certain situations. Expecting similar consequences for similar actions helps people plan for their actions and make informed decisions.

Ensuring Justice

Another vital function of laws is to ensure that justice is done. All societies must have a legal system that can protect the rights of all citizens. These laws must establish ways to resolve disputes between individuals, organizations, and nations so that everyone is treated fairly and justly. Laws also ensure that no one is above the law, not even those in power. Everyone should be accountable for their actions, regardless of their position or status.

The legal system should strive to be fair and impartial, providing mechanisms for due process and protection of civil rights. A just legal system ensures that people are held accountable for their actions and that everyone is treated equally under the law. By enforcing laws fairly and justly, societies can establish trust, credibility, and stability, ultimately leading to better social and economic outcomes.


In summary, laws are essential for any society to function effectively. They establish order, provide a framework for resolving disputes, and ensure justice is done. Only with laws can we promote a safe, secure, and prosperous society that protects the rights and freedoms of all citizens. So let us all strive to uphold and respect the laws of our land.

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