तरावीह की नियत कैसे बांधी जाती है / Taraweeh Ki Niyat Kaise Bandhi Jaati Hai?


As Ramadan approaches, Muslims all around the world are preparing for the holy month. One of the most significant practices observed during Ramadan is Taraweeh. Taraweeh is a set of extra prayers that are performed after Isha prayers during the month of Ramadan. The prayers are usually held in mosques, but this year due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, many people will have to perform Taraweeh at home.

It is essential for the Muslim community to know the proper way of performing Taraweeh, including how to make the Niyyah or intention before the prayers. In this blog, we will talk about Taraweeh Ki Niyat Kaise Bandhi Jaati Hai, or how to make the intention for Taraweeh prayers.

Taraweeh Ki Niyat

Before starting Taraweeh prayers, one must make the intention. Making the intention for Taraweeh is a simple yet essential step in performing these prayers. The Niyyah should be made just before the Isha prayer.

First, stand facing the Qibla, raise your hands to your ears, and say Allahu Akbar. This is known as the Takbir-e-Tahrima or the opening Takbir. Then, recite the Niyah (intention) for Taraweeh silently in your heart. The Niyah can be in any language as long as it is done with conviction and sincerity.

The Niyyah for Taraweeh should be something like “I am offering eight Rakat of Taraweeh Salah with the intention of seeking closeness to Allah (SWT) and to gain reward.” After making the intention, start the Taraweeh prayer by reciting the Surah Al-Fatihah and other verses from the Quran.

The Importance of Niyah in Islam

Niyah or intention is crucial in Islam. It is said that actions are judged by their intentions. Muslims are always advised to have the right intention before performing any act. For instance, performing any act of worship with the right intention can earn a great reward even if it’s not fulfilling all of its requirements.

In the case of Taraweeh, the right intention can help a believer gain Allah’s blessings and forgiveness. It is recommended to make the Niyah for Taraweeh with the aim of gaining closeness to Allah (SWT) and seeking His guidance during the holy month of Ramadan.

In conclusion, Taraweeh Ki Niyat Kaise Bandhi Jaati Hai may seem like a simple thing to do, but its importance cannot be overstated. Muslims must be aware of the significance of making the intention before performing Taraweeh. Let us all make sincere intentions this Ramadan and strive to come closer to Allah (SWT).

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