About 90 Gameplay Videos for “Grand Theft Auto 6” Have Been Leaked

Big trouble for Rockstar this morning as 90 videos containing a massive amount of early GTA 6 footage have leaked out across all social media platforms.

The source of this information was discovered on GTAforums, where a user going by the name of teapotuberhacker, who also claims to be responsible for the recent Uber hack, has posted ninety videos purportedly taken from a prototype version of Grand Theft Auto 6. The footage appears to verify information that has been leaking out for some time, including the setting (a Miami-like Vice City) and the identities of the male and female protagonists. The woman seen on camera is identified as Lucia, and the man as Jason.

One scene has the player taking control of Lucia as she robs a diner and then runs from the police while Jason follows close behind. In yet another, Jason watches as two rednecks by the pool have a conversation that sounds suspiciously like something out of a Rockstar game. Instead of embedding them, I will provide a link since I anticipate that Rockstar will soon remove them from the internet. However, there is so much footage that has been distributed so widely that it will be next to impossible to clean up.

I have no reason to suspect that this is fake, unlike some industry leaks I’ve heard. There is simply too much footage here, with far too many details that would be difficult, if not impossible, to fake on this massive a scale. From all appearances, this footage was hacked and breached from within Rockstar itself. It’s reasonable to assume that Rockstar will attempt to identify and apprehend the hacker responsible for this incident; time will tell how successful they are in doing so.

Is this a bad thing for GTA 6? According to the feedback I’m receiving online, I don’t think so. Seeing as how fans are generally excited to see GTA 6 and Vice City and these new characters in action, the videos being posted have received praise and hugely positively like/dislike ratios on YouTube. As a result of Rockstar’s ridiculously tight-lipped approach to GTA 6, fans have been clamouring for any and all leaks of gameplay footage or details they can get their hands on. First, we learned about the setting and main characters; now, we have this massive, massive leak of actual gameplay videos, which, even though they are covered in debug tools and using placeholder assets, look pretty good, especially considering the game is probably still two years or more away. It’s not hard to foresee that, with further development and refinement, it will become quite impressive.

Rockstar has not commented on the leak as of yet, but I expect them to do so because this is not just rumours but actual information.

Jitesh Pathak
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