फैटी लिवर क्या होता है / Fatty Liver Kya Hota Hai?

फैटी लिवर क्या होता है / Fatty Liver Kya Hota Hai?

What is Fatty Liver?

Fatty Liver, also known as hepatic steatosis, is a condition where the liver accumulates an excessive amount of fat. This happens when there is too much fat in the bloodstream or when the liver produces too much fat. Fatty Liver can either be Non-alcoholic or Alcoholic. The former is caused by a buildup of fat in the liver due to factors such as obesity, insulin resistance, and high blood sugar levels. The latter is caused by excessive drinking, which can lead to inflammation and scarring of the liver.

The Symptoms of Fatty Liver

A person with Fatty Liver may experience no symptoms at all. However, some of the common symptoms include fatigue, weakness, and abdominal discomfort. The condition can also cause enlargement of the liver or abnormal liver function tests. If left untreated, Fatty Liver can lead to serious complications such as cirrhosis, liver cancer, and liver failure.

Prevention and Treatment of Fatty Liver

Prevention is always better than cure. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle is key in preventing Fatty Liver. This includes maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding excessive alcohol consumption. For those who already have Fatty Liver, the focus is on treating the underlying causes. This may involve medication to control blood sugar levels and cholesterol, losing weight, and reducing alcohol intake. In severe cases, a liver transplant may be necessary.

Fatty Liver is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent complications and improve outcomes. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the symptoms and risk factors associated with the condition. Talk to your healthcare provider if you have any concerns or suspect that you may have Fatty Liver.

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